
Monday, February 27, 2012

Creating a loving relationship ~Sankarshan Das Adhikari

This Monday wraps up our month of shows evolving around relationships. Today I am delighted to have Spiritual Master Sankarshan Das Adhikari back on the show. He was on Tales from the Golden Cabinet about a month ago, and we were having such a great conversation, but I felt like we had only begun to touch on the wealth of experiences and wisdom he has to share with us. So, I am so happy to have him back on the show, especially to share on the subject of love and relationships.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari comes from a lineage of spiritual masters that date back thousands of years. He is an authorized representative of ancient Vedic teachings that aim to reawaken our inner being of eternal knowledge and bliss. According to Vedic philosophy many people are suffering because they don't know their true identity, and due to ignorance seek happiness from the things which are actually the source of their misery. Sankarshan Das Adhikari is an expert at starting the healing process by way of Bhakti Yoga. Some of the lifestyle practices include a special karma-free diet and also mantra meditation. Sankarshan Das Adhikari has served, and spread the teachings of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, for the past 40 years.
To contact or find out more about the work and teachings of Sankarshan Das Adhikari you can visit the following websites:

To listen to the pod-cast of this show, just click this link :
Krishna Consciousness

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