
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Xenia Hennington ~ Kundalini Yoga

Join Misty Odom this Monday as she welcomes Xenia Hennington to the KOOP studios to share about the benefits of practicing Kundalini Yoga. Xenia became a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor in 2004 so she could help bring the benefits of Kundalini Yoga to people who are looking for ways to improve their quality of life.

Xenia was first introduced to Kundalini Yoga in 1998 when all she was looking for was some form of physical activity for her stiff and inactive body. Unable to formulate an opinion after taking the first class, she took another class, and then another, and another. Soon she discovered benefits beyond any expectations she ever had. Not only did she get the exercise she sought, but she discovered the chronic pain she had for 14 years began to diminish and then disappear altogether. In her life, she found calmness and patience in situations that normally frustrated her, tolerance where she was used to feeling anger, and focus and efficiency in the midst of harried deadlines. Because of Kundalini Yoga, Xenia discovered an ease and grace in Life that she had never experienced before.

With an open heart, Xenia brings a vitality and understanding of everyday situations to her classes, emphasizing the breath and its connection to the Teacher within. 

You can contact Xenia by phone or email :
Mobile: (512) 497-4217 Fax: (512) 494-9488
Email: xenbe11@att.net

To listen to the podcast of this show, just follow this link.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Mother Tongue by Dr. Will Taegel

 "In The Mother Tongue, Dr. Will Taegel invites us on a spiritual and scientific adventure through the white water rapids of the river of our times. The currents are wild, and a passionate journey unfolds through the co-mingling of the ancient primordial ways of knowing and 21st Century physics". Tune in this Monday, and join the adventure!

This Monday on Tales from The Golden Cabinet: I'm so excited to welcome Dr Will Taegel author of "The Mother Tongue: Intimacy in the eco-field" to the KOOP studio's. Will Taegel walks in two worlds. One reflects his Indigenous shamanic training and the other his psychological and scientific research. In his seventh decade he returned to graduate school to earn a second doctorate, a Ph.D. concentrating on an integration of ecology and quantum fields. Author of The Many Colored Buffalo and Wild Heart, The Mother Tongue is his eighth book. He has held various clinical positions and academic appointments, including President of  Wisdom University  He and his spouse, Dr. Judith Yost, engage in the spiritual practices of rainwater and solar collection and are functionally off the grid.

Other books by Dr. Will Taegel :
Natural Mystics : Journey to your true identity
Nature and Intimacy : Meditations for Relationships

To contact Will you can go to his website!
The pod-cast of this show can be found here

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Guided Meditations ~ Estella Albion

On this Monday's show we are going to delve into  the delicious world of guided meditations with Estella Albion!

Our bodies and inner selves have much wisdom to share with us, if we take the time to go within and really listen. Meditation after all is taking space to quiet the mind, and make that deep connection to our inner wisdom. That quiet place where we can touch spirit, get clarity and peace as well as insight into our questions about life. Sometimes it can be so nurturing to have a space that gives us permission to go within while being supported, and even having fun doing it. This is the beauty of guided meditations.

I am delighted to share a woman with you who has an incredible gift for creating and sharing guided meditations, a meditation enchantress even, Estella Albion. Estella is a healer and who has developed a method of supporting people through life transformations, it's called Vibrational Systems Shifting or VSS. The intent of her work is to bring all aspects of you, body mind and spirit in alignment with what you truly seek for your life. Estella does much of this work through beautiful guided meditations. The first part of the show will be acquainting you with the work that Estella does, then she is gifting us with about a 15 minute guided meditation. Estella is a healer, and an artist who works here in Austin as well as traveling around the world to share her meditations. If you are not in a space where you can partake in this, there will be a podcast of the show, so you can experience the meditation at a time that works for you!

You can contact Estella by following these links. Please feel free to email her to get on the list so you can be informed about upcoming meditations:
Facebook Page : VSS~ Vibrational Systems Shifting

To listen to a pod-cast of this show and enjoy the guided meditations Estella shared with us, just follow this link : Estella Albion

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Seaton Caesar Collard ~ WOW water

This Monday join Misty Odom as she welcomes Seaton Caesar Collard into the KOOP studio. Seaton is the creator of Wow Water, Chaga Chi, and CEO of Pure Living Paradise. He is a student on the path of spirituality and leads groups on consciousness. You can also find Seaton on YouTube. His latest video being a demonstration on adjusting the cranial and facial structure. Seaton practices taichi, iridology, and a system of bodily regeneration called 'Body Electronics'. Seaton is 21 years young, passionate about making music, and lives in Austin off the grid.

To find out more about WOW Water or Chaga Chi, just follow this link: Pure Living Paradise
To connect with Seaton, feel free to email him or call:


One of my favorite digital artists!!