
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Double Helix Water ~ David Gann

Tune in for a conversation with David Gann, co-author of Double Helix Water, a new book sharing an amazing journey; the discovery of an unknown phase of water.

Stable Water Clusters is the scientific name for a newly discovered particle of water: a solid phase of water that does not melt at room temperature. David Gann and  Dr. Shui Yin Lo's research theorize that Stable Water Clusters are the material basis for the Meridian System, and may be the genesis phase of water or one of the precursors to DNA. They believe this infinitesimally small particle of water is part of the first movements of biological life.

Double Helix Water is the result of using electrical pressure that surrounds a charged particle to convert ultra-pure water into Stable Water Clusters for commercial use. As one of the basic building blocks of our body's innate self-repair system, Stable Water Clusters may help bypass blocked or misaligned Meridians and allow Qi, or energy, to flow again.

Listen in and learn all about Double Helix Water and stable water clusters. It's an amazing discovery that is proving to have some incredible health benefits!

The first part of the book is presented in layman's terms, then moves into the heavy science afterward. What an amazing discovery, I am trying this myself, and can't wait to share my experiences with you! For more information follow this link Double Helix Water.

To hear the podcast of this show, please follow this link: Double Helix Water with David Gann

Monday, April 23, 2012

Women's health ~ moon cycle wisdom

Tomorrow on Tales From the Golden Cabinet, Misty Odom will share the first show in a series on Women's Health. She will begin the dialogue by speaking about the menstrual cycle. Three women will share their perspectives and their unique contributions to helping women everywhere love their bodies, and reconnect with their Moontime.

Nubia I Sutton, a wholistic counselor and practitioner from the SF Bay area. Nubia will share her wisdom on the connection between the food we eat, and the way we experience our cycles. You can find Nubia by clicking here.

We will also be speaking with local Massage Therapist Hannah Ford. Hannah will tell us about her journey to become a practitioner of the Arvigo Technique of Maya Abdominal Massage. This massage technique helps relieve discomfort during the menstrual cycle, and helps women reconnect with their wombs. To reach Hannah, visit her website, here.

Then we will hear from Luci Daum who is a seamstress extraordinare! Luci will share the story of the evolution of Party In My Pants Cloth Menstrual Pads. You can follow this link to find out more about these wonderful reusable pads.

To listen to the pod-cast of this show,  please follow this link

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Linda Galvin ~ Spiritual Intuitive

A few weeks ago, I attended a woman's group called Women who dance with life. It is hosted by our own Kate Short Lindsay, here in Austin. I was particularly drawn to the event of the evening which was a Spiritual  Alchemy session. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I had a deep sense it was something I needed. I have been doing a lot of work with emotional release, and the moon was waning so it was a perfect time for letting go.  I think it would be an understatement to say all of us were completely blown away, by the power and grace of this session. I can honestly say after a few weeks of re-listening to the session, and doing the inner work, I feel like my energetic body has completely shifted and cleared. I have been processing a lot of grief, and what a blessing to feel light and clear, and ready to move on to new and better things.

So who was this wonderful Clairvoyant? Her Name is Linda Galvin, and she is a Spiritual Intuitive here in Austin. On tomorrows show I am so pleased to have her in the studio with us. Linda is a powerful channel for healing and change. She is a spiritual intuitive or a “pure light channel” and alternative healing practitioner, as well as a metaphysical jewelry designer.  Linda's traditional training is in the field of psychology and she has a Masters and Doctoral Training in Educational Psychology from The University of Texas at Austin.  Her gifts of the Spirit have awakened over the past 15 years after praying for the ability to be a true and pure channel of  God’s healing grace. Linda is; Claire-Audient, Claire-Cognizant, and Claire-Voiyant.

Linda works through a channeled process originating from the higher Spiritual realms (Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Higher Spiritual Beings such as Jesus, Buddha, Abdul-Baha, etc.)  and through a “pure soul alchemy source field” and “the field of all knowingness” which she calls Pure Light Alchemy.  Linda also incorporates Metatherapy – which literally means – “beyond therapy” into her sessions.   It is like super-octane charged therapeutic counseling from Spirit. Tune in tomorrow at 1:30 and get all the details,  I am going to ask her to talk about abundance!

You can contact Linda here.
To hear the pod-cast of this show please follow this link : Linda Galvin.

Abundance ~ Linda Galvin

Dear One,

Abundance comes in many forms.  Most associate abundance with money or material things.  Abundance is more than money.  Abundance is an energy that can attract what you desire into your life.  Abundance is an attitude of joy and gratitude for what you have and what you “know” is coming to you now.  If you act as if you are fully abundant in all things such as money, love, joy, happiness, peace, etc. – you will attract it to you.  Although your reality may not appear abundant at the moment, act as if it is – and it will be!!!  The universe cannot help but send abundance your way when you vibrate with the energy of already having it!  This is how it works.  Act as if, and it is so!  What you resonate with is what you create.  If you are resonating with scarcity and lack, that is what you will continue to attract into your life.  THINK BIG!!!  Do not limit yourself to limited abundance.  Allow the flow of unlimited abundance!

Here is a brief visualization/meditation you can do daily to assist you in allowing the flow of abundance into your life. Imagine the golden light of abundance flowing from the top of your head down through your body, showering you with golden light – a light filled with unlimited financial blessings, joy, happiness, love and peace.  Feel it.  Accept it.  Allow it to permeate every cell of your body.  Visualize yourself as a glowing abundant being of golden light!  Hold this image in your mind’s eye for several minutes a day, especially when you are constricting and feeling/thinking about those limiting beliefs around money, finances, and love.

If you are struggling with a pattern of lack and scarcity, Metatherapy and Psych-K can be of great benefit to assisting you in releasing and shifting those limiting beliefs.  When you shift your beliefs, you create a new reality for yourself!

You were created abundant in an infinitely abundant universe!  Scarcity is an illusion – a lie!  Release this lie.  Embrace the truth of your being…you are an abundant being!

Meditate on this:  I am an infinitely abundant being in all things and in all ways.

Healing Blessings!
Linda Galvin  The Spiritual Intuitive

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pancha Karma with Mark Nasralla

Being that Springtime is the perfect time to detox, we have been sharing different views and methods to accomplish this, if it calls to you. Today we are going to look at a sumptuous method of detoxing that comes from the Ayurvedic tradition, called Pancha Karma.  Mark Nasralla  will be sharing what it is, and why you may enjoy trying it! Mark has been practicing Ayurvedic rejuvenation therapies and bodywork for 20 years. Initially trained in Panch Karma Ayurveda treatments in 1991, Mark has held leadership and instructor positions at premier Ayurveda treatment centers including; the Lancaster Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center under Deepak Chopra, the Heavenly Mountain Chronic Disease Center and the Raj Resort. Mark was with The Crossings in Austin at the time of this interview, he now works in Venice California. Also on tomorrows show we will be joined by Patti Farley who practices the Flying Stars method of Feng Shui. Patti will share what you can expect from a Feng Shui session, and  Austin herbalist Nicole Telkes will take us on an Herb walk, and share about a local Texas herb, Skullcap. Tune in, it will be a full and informative half hour.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Springtime in the Kitchen ~ Kate Short Lindsay

Spring is all about growth and cleansing. Why cleansing? The simple theory is that by letting go of the old that no longer serves us, we make space for new things that do. Whether we are releasing physical toxins, or mental and emotional toxins, it’s the perfect time of year for well, spring cleaning. Speaking of perfect timing, A few weeks ago Misty interviewed Arttemis Kesszain, who was the motivating force behind Cleanse ~ATX. What a fabulous, creative event, and such a delicious way to kick off the Spring Season. If you participated I would love to hear your experiences! Leave a comment or please feel free to email me.

This week on Tales from the Golden Cabinet ::: Holistic Health Coach Kate Short Lindsay is here to guide us through what Spring time in the kitchen looks like; when you eat with the seasons. Kate Short Lindsay is a Personal Health Coach with a thriving practice here in Austin. She is passionate about educating women to love their bodies and discover what foods, movement, relationships and career will light up every cell of her body and lead to fulfillment and extraordinary health.

Kate has this to share from her recent newsletter. "Yes, it's true to that Spring is in the air. And what Spring brings with it is a huge energetic shift: from cold and dry to cool and wet. From the cravings for fats and protein and hot soups to cravings for more raw foods, green veggies, and bitter salads and yes sugar too. Our bodies will naturally start to shed during spring, and if you are in tune with nature's cycles, you will feel the pull to help this process along. There are ways that you can support your body in detoxifying, cleansing and shedding, whether you want to do a fast, a juice cleanse, or just eat more whole & fresh fruits and veggies." Tune in and get your kitchen and palate ready for the fresh taste of Spring.

You can find Kate here.

As promised, here is the Spring Food List from Kate!

Favor bitter, astringent, and pungent foods and spices, while lessening foods that are sweet, salty and sour.

Fruit: cherries, blueberries, raisins, prunes, raspberries, lemons.
Sweeteners: raw honey
Beans: all are good
Nuts: none
Grains: buckwheat, millet, quinoa
Spices: turmeric and ginger, especially helpful for balancing excess mucus; all good except use less salt
Vegetables: sprouts, bitter greens (arugula, endive, dandelion greens) cabbage family (broccoli, brussel sprouts), green chiles, garlic, onions, peas.
Meat & fish: light fresh water fish (sole, flounder, rainbow trout). Turkey & chicken. Lean protein. Eggs in moderation (poached or hardboiled best)
Oils: olive oil. Reduce oil in general.


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