
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Misty's Top 10 heartfelt, low cost, holiday gift ideas~

With so many Holidays right around the corner, you are probably wondering how to find the perfect gift for everyone on your list. Here are my top 10 Heart Felt, Low Cost, Hand Made or Recycled Gift Ideas for 2011.  Enjoy!

1. Create a handwritten list of all the things you love and appreciate about a person. Be creative. The list can include things like: I love the way you fold the towels, or I love the way you make yourself available when I call. For kids you might include how you appreciate how passionately they care about animals, or how you love the way they do their chores without being asked. 

2. Make a personalized collage. Take some old magazines and cut out words, phrases, and images that represent the essence of a person you love. Glue them on to paper in the shape of a heart, and frame your one of a kind collage, now a beautiful piece of artwork to be cherished for a lifetime.

This next one is great for young kids:
3. If you are a parent, you probably have lots of nubby crayons around the house that need a new purpose. Transforming them is simple. Take the paper off the nubs and
separate the crayons into color categories. Chop the crayons into small pieces and place them in a shallow layer in the bottom of a muffin pan or cookie mold tin. Put them in a 150 degree oven for about 45 minutes, and tada! New crayons in fun shapes that kids will love! Put them in a recycled cookie tin and include a few coloring sheets printed from the internet.

These two are big hits with the teen and preteen set.
4. Remember those old LPs in the closet that haven't been played in years? Time for their reincarnation as bowls and trays. Place a metal mixing bowl face up in a 125 degree oven and set a record on top. Make sure the bowl is a bit smaller than the record so that it can fall evenly into the bowl as it warms. In a few minutes it will mold into a functional piece of art! When your creations have cooled, leave them be, or paint them for added flair. 

5. Make a "Secret Hollow" book by perusing a thrift store for a large hardback. Glue the first several pages together, then leave a space, and glue the rest of the pages together. When dry, use an exacto knife to hollow out a secret compartment inside the book!

Number 6 is my favorite gift for new families. Create Gift Certificates, hand made or on the computer for a task or tasks you are willing to complete. Some ideas are : a night of babysitting, cooking a favorite meal, washing the car, etc.

Number 7 is a favorite among grandparents . Purchase plain t shirts in appropriate sizes and have the grand kids put their hand prints on it with multicolored paint. Easy, inexpensive, and fun!

The last three are really sweet and appropriate for  individuals or the whole family. 

8. Remember playing "Memory" as a child? Ask members of your family to contribute 2 small sized identical photos. Cut cardstock into same size squares and glue onto wrapping paper that has a small, complex pattern (this is so you can't tell one card from another without seeing the picture on the other side.) Glue the pictures of Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins on the plain side. Cut out the cards. You now have a "Family Memory Game" that can be added to with each new family member, and played for years to come!

9.Create a vision board. Photoshop an image of Aunt Sue into a stock photo of the Swedish Countryside where she has always dreamed of visiting, or create an image of your teenaged son in his dream car. The possibilities are endless for this one! Print the images and glue them onto poster board with room to add more as new visions are awakened. This is a wonderful way to say: I support you in manifesting your fondest heart's desires!

10. Create a 365 day "Jar of Memories". Collaborate with the whole family on this one. Write on small slips of paper a heartfelt memory shared with a family member or friend. Collect 365 and put them in a mason jar with a ribbon wrapped round. For the next year, the recipient can open the jar, and take out a cherished memory to read every day!

Homemade gifts are inexpensive, fun to make, and truly come from the heart, while having little or no impact on the planet. I hope you and your family enjoy them! 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Massage Therapy and immunity ~ Misty Odom

We all know that  massage therapy helps one to relax, anyone who has had a massage can attest to that.

First of all, it is a tremendous stress reducer. Massage slows down the heart rate,lowers blood pressure, and decreases the production of stress hormones, particularly the stress hormone cortisol.
But did you know that massage therapy has been scientifically proven to help the immune system?
 Massage  boosts the immune system directly by increasing the number of white blood cells in the body. In particular, massage is linked to lymphocytes which make up about 25% of the white blood cell count in humans. A study by researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles assigned  participants a 45 minute session of deep-tissue massage. , the subjects experienced significant decreases in cortisol levels, AND an increase in lymphocytes. Another study published by the International Journal of Neuroscience found that HIV patients showed white blood cell levels increased after receiving two 20-minute massages per week for 12 weeks.  Clearly massage has a positive effect on increasing white blood cell count, which can benefit a myriad of conditions and illnesses.
In particular,  those of us who live in Austin may suffer from seasonal allergies. At this time of year, ragweed can be a big culprit.  In addition to the immune boosting benefits of a massage therapy session, your practitioner can customize a massage for you that includes sinus drainage. This massage concentrates on the head, neck, face, and ears to flush out blocked sinus cavities as well as enhance blood flow to keep the area clear and healthy. 
Reflexology of the hands and feet are also an excellent way to customize a session, and reduce the symptoms of allergies without directly working in what may be a sensitive area. What is reflexology?  Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to the feet and hands utilizing specific thumb and finger techniques with a premise that such work effects a physical change in the body.

A reflexology chart mirrors a map of the body on the feet and hands, left foot or hand representing the body's left half and right foot or hand its right half. In practice, the technique is applied to the relevant reflex area(s) to prompt a change in the related part of the body.In the case of allergies, the practitioner would work the points on the hands and feet which correspond to the sinuses, eyes, and ears.The application of pressure sends a calming message from the peripheral nerves in these extremities to the central nervous system, which in turn signals the body to adjust the tension level, so to speak. This enhances overall relaxation, brings internal organs and their systems into a state of optimum functioning, and increases blood supply (which brings additional oxygen and nutrients to cells and enhances waste removal). It positively affects the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, immune, and neuropeptide systems in the body.
With so many body pleasing benefits, Massage therapy is an excellent preventive to add to your repertoire of  proper nutrition, exercise, adequate rest and alternative therapies.
No matter which modality you choose, it is important to remember that you are the ultimate source for your own healing. Practitioners do not heal clients, they facilitate; the body repairs itself.  Massage therapy is offered to help bring the person back into balance so that the body can nurture and repair itself.  You are the healer.


 Misty R. Odom
 Registered Massage Therapist

Sweeten your life through touch ~ Misty Odom

From the moment of conception, and for 9 months thereafter, we are completely surrounded by the flesh of another human being. This statement seems to make it clear that in order to be healthy, productive, and fulfilled, a lifetime of touch is required.
Humans CRAVE social and physical contact- especially those who did not get enough of it as children. Touch has a huge impact on everything. Studies show that people holding a warm cup tend to be more generous while those holding a cold cup tend to be more callous. A smile and a pat on the back from your doctor may increase your chances of surviving a serious illness. Even a simple touch on the hand by a librarian has a positive effect on getting students to return with their books! Touch is equated with acknowledgement and when we are not touched, either by ourselves or others, the need to be acknowledged, acceptable, and lovable is not being met. Positive touch makes life sweeter, and may decrease craving for less than healthy forms of sustenance.
In my  Massage Therapy Practice, and in life in general, I have observed that it is difficult for many people to get their touch needs met. Perhaps they live alone, or work many hours. Perhaps they are so stressed and frustrated by their job or family situation that they shy away from contact with others. In many cases, the need for touch is mistaken for something else. The need for touch can be so great that people who aren't receiving it turn to other forms of gratification that can be injurious to themselves. People turn to excessive consumption of food,  hours alone watching television or playing video games, alcohol or recreational drugs, even casual sex. But there is a way to break from these unhealthy habits, and the first step is to determine whether or not the cravings one is experiencing require a return to humanity's original state of being. 
Touch and be touched. Start simple. Hug, kiss, and snuggle with your kids more often. Both you and they will benefit. Lovingly touch your partner more- both in and out of bed. You can get a pet. Studies show that people with pets live longer and are healthier than those that don’t have pets. You can  receive a massage. You can touch yourself~ give yourself a hug, a pat on the back, or a foot rub. Purchase a body brush and nurture your entire system with gentle stroking once a day. Ask a friend if they would like a shoulder rub. Giving and receiving touch sweetens your life and the lives of those you love, making the planet a healthier and happier place to be. And I think that's pretty sweet!


Misty R. Odom
Registered Massage Therapist

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Natural help for Autoimmune conditions

Dianne Duncan of Austin Quan Yin is both an Acupuncturist and Naturopath. Dianne takes an East-West approach to treating patients, and specializes in treating Autoimmune conditions. There are several  herbs and supplements Dianne shared in our interview that I wanted to have available to our listeners. Anyone suffering from these devastating conditions knows the Western approach using immune modulating drugs, this may help you have some hope for a more natural approach. Please contact  Dianne to find the combination that is right for your body, and symptoms.

Supporting Adrenal Function/Regulating the stress response:

The gold standard for determining adrenal function is a saliva test which measures the circadian release of cortisol, and DHEA.

Adaptogenic herbs
B12 (Methylcobalamin)

These work together to modulate adrenal feedback loop function (Hypothalamus-Adrenal-Pituitary axis). The HPA axis gets distorted by chronic stress, and is often the missing piece to solving adrenal problems.

In order to get clinically effective amounts of it is best used topically. Dianne uses a product called Adrenocalm with a clinically effective dose of phosphatidylserine. She carries this at her office. A simple overview of phosphatidylserine can be read at: http://www.acupuncturetoday.com/vitamincentral/phosphatidylserine.php 

Adaptogenic herbs:
Adpatogens support adrenal function, both for adrenal stress and adrenal fatigue patterns.
For a very basic overview of Adaptogenic herbs check out this article:
To look a bit deeper and study up on herbs you can go to Dragon herbs, they are fabulous about sharing TCM theory and information about herbs:

Is a type of Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 comes in several kinds including hydroxy-, cyano-, and adenosyl-, but only the methyl form is used in the central nervous system.

Autoimmune regulation :

Note: Two patterns exist: TH1 dominant and TH2 dominant. For each pattern, 2 types exist. The treatment for each is the exact opposite. A blood test can determine which pattern is present. Call for details.

Regulating TH1 immune response = Astragulus, Echinacea, Glycyrrhiza (licorice root), Lemon Balm, Maitake Mushroom, pomegranate.
Regulating TH2 immune response = Green Tea, Pine Bark, Grape Seed, Reservatrol (in red wine), pycnogenol.

Note: Determining which of these medicinals aggravate or support the autoimmune response is an effective challenge test; but only a blood test can determine which pattern exists. Diane has sample packets of these products which she will give to your listeners for free.

Supplements that help regulate T helper or immune response Glutathione: Dianne uses a product called Oxicell with a clinically effective dose od SOD and Glutathione which is available at her office.

S O D Superoxide Dismutase: SOD must be taken topically.

Vitamin D 3 (Cholicalciferol)

Omega 3 fatty acids:
Modulate the immune and inflammatory response. Blood sugar (Chromium) must also be supported in order to support a healthy adrenal response.

For our reaserch minded listeners:

To find out more about the work of Dr. Datis Kharrazian, a leading researcher on holistic treatments of autoimmune conditions, please go to: http://www.thyroidbook.com/about-dr-kharrazian.html

Tribute to Master Herbalist Michael Moore

I wanted to post an older show and Podcast paying tribute to Master Herbalist Michael Moore, who passed into the Spirit world in 2009. Michael Moore is known as the "Godfather of American Herbalism." He wrote a half-dozen books about herbs and trained hundreds of people in their medicinal uses. Michel Moore’s story is told by friends and students, with clips of Michael teaching as well as some of the music Michael composed. Please enjoy the podcast, it is dedicated to the loving memory of an incredible human being, Michael Moore. 

You can listen to the podcast by going to:

This podcast includes Music composed by Michael Moore
SYMPHONY #2-The Anasazi- Orchestra of Santa Fe, William Kirschke, Conductor. (1980) Composed for the 300th Anniversary of the Pueblo Revolt of 1580. It made a bit of a splash, and got played on NPR.
1st Movement - The Land, The People –

Speakers in the order of appearance:
Nicole Telkes :  www.NicoleTelkes.com
Adam Seller : http://www.pshm.org/
Jessie Emerson : osoherbalsjessie@yahoo.com
Michael Moore is founder of the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine

Five things Cancer patients should know

Dr. Jeanne Galloway is Naturopathic Oncologist, who has some important tips to share that may help you or family members who are in the process of dealing with cancer, in any phase. These are the notes from a talk Dr. Galloway gave on Five things Cancer patients should know.

Generally, when a person hears they have cancer they either: relinquish responsibility and let the doctor have control over their life OR get very busy finding out everything they can that might help. I encourage every cancer patient to become involved in their own decision making and to ask questions. Often my work with a patient is to help them figure out what their questions should be.

The treatments for cancer are somewhat limited from a standard medical
position. The drugs (especially chemotherapy) are pretty much the same as they have been for many years. New ideas are surfacing, and benefits are found, but we have a long way to go. Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are designed to kill the cancer, yet in the process healthy tissue is sacrificed along the way. Side effects of standard treatment are typically not the concern of oncologists. There is a huge gap in cancer care when it comes to addressing the concerns of the person undergoing treatment. The oncologist is focused on the cancer, not really on the wholeness of the person getting treatment. Naturopathic doctors with training and experience in complementary and integrative cancer care fill the void with an emphasis on the wellness factor of the whole person. We:

improve nutrient consumption and intake
Treat side effects of cancer treatments
Improve the response of standard treatments
Improve immune function
Improve quality of life
Speed healing processes
Educate patients and their families, and their oncologists on natural medicine's
Reduce recurrence of cancer

What a Naturopathic doctor is NOT; we aren't just "green doctors" who replace a drug with an herb.We aren't interested in just treating symptoms of disease, we do not believe that drugs are always bad or that cancer can be treated without standard medicine. We do believe that there is an ability of the body to heal itself if given the right building blocks and that addressing the underlying cause of a disease is the important thing to do, instead of just treating symptoms. We also believe that all of medicine has an appropriate place... at times drugs and surgery are needed, at times herbs and meditation are needed. There is a whole spectrum of medicine available to the ND.

Five Natural Treatments
1) Blood sugar/Insulin
2) Vit D
3) Green Tea
4) Cortisol
5) Dangerous side effects

First, blood sugar and insul If a cancer patient has high blood sugar and high insulin levels in the blood they are much more likely to have a more aggressive form of cancer and to have a high rate of recurrence. I encourage all the people I work with who have a cancer diagnosis to be sure their physician is checkingtheir fasting blood sugar and their insulin levels.

If there are troubles with high blood sugar or insulin there are great ways to impact this; dietary, exercise, supplements such as cinnamon, bitter melon, gymnema have been shown to have effect, and chromium supplementation, too.

Secondly, it is becoming very clear that Vitamin D levels should become part of every person's "annual physical" blood workup. Vitamin D deficiency is being linked to a tremendous amount of disease processes and we are particularly concerned with cancer patients as they have been shown to have lower levels in many cases. If you have cancer, or if you don't and want to prevent it, have your doctor check your Vitamin D status. There are clear guidelines around what these levels should be. Your doctor should know these or s/he can find them out easily.

Thirdly, green tea is part of any natural approach to the cancer fight. Cancer cells turn into tumors by continually dividing even when they should just die. Green tea, among many other important cancer fighting properties, is able to shut down cancer cell division... thus slowing the growth of tumors.

Fourth, stress is a killer. Cortisol levels are associated with increased insulin levels, with decreased melatonin levels (a natural cancer fighter) and with increased inflammation which can drive cancer formation. Treating the adrenal glands, reducing stress, using techniques such as Tai Chi or Qi Gong are great ways to reduce the stress response and see a more positive influence of the body.

Fifth, there are extremely dangerous side effects to chemotherapy. Yet, the use of chemotherapy is highly recommended by n=Naturopathic Oncologists for many forms of cancer. Sometimes the body needs to have the disease eliminated forceably in order to provide a clear path for healing. The leading side effects that can have long lasting impact are: nerve damage, heart tissue damage and digestive tract symptoms. In each case there are natural treatments that have been shown to reduce the side effects safely. The damage that can be done may be irreparable, and the cancer patient needs to take action to understand the risks and to find a practitioner who can help them avoid side effect damage.

For more information you can find Dr. Galloway at :

To hear a podcast of this program please follow this link:
Five things Cancer patients should know

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Introducing Misty Odom

Misty Odom is a new programmer here at KOOP, and I am delighted to introduce her to you. Misty will be sharing tales from the land of touch and well as helping me to co-host the show! Misty is a Massage Therapist here in Austin that has been delighting clients with her therapeutic touch for over 9 years.

Via Misty : Hello everyone! Thanks to all you listeners for tuning in! If you would like to connect with me about outstanding Therapeutic Massage please call 512-803-1079 or email hazeltoblue@yahoo.com. I look forward to a session with you! ♥ Misty Odom, RMT


One of my favorite digital artists!!