
Monday, February 27, 2012

Creating a loving relationship ~Sankarshan Das Adhikari

This Monday wraps up our month of shows evolving around relationships. Today I am delighted to have Spiritual Master Sankarshan Das Adhikari back on the show. He was on Tales from the Golden Cabinet about a month ago, and we were having such a great conversation, but I felt like we had only begun to touch on the wealth of experiences and wisdom he has to share with us. So, I am so happy to have him back on the show, especially to share on the subject of love and relationships.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari comes from a lineage of spiritual masters that date back thousands of years. He is an authorized representative of ancient Vedic teachings that aim to reawaken our inner being of eternal knowledge and bliss. According to Vedic philosophy many people are suffering because they don't know their true identity, and due to ignorance seek happiness from the things which are actually the source of their misery. Sankarshan Das Adhikari is an expert at starting the healing process by way of Bhakti Yoga. Some of the lifestyle practices include a special karma-free diet and also mantra meditation. Sankarshan Das Adhikari has served, and spread the teachings of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, for the past 40 years.
To contact or find out more about the work and teachings of Sankarshan Das Adhikari you can visit the following websites:

To listen to the pod-cast of this show, just click this link :
Krishna Consciousness

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kate Short Lindsay~ Food as Aphrodisiacs

February is all about relationships on Tales from the Golden Cabinet. Earlier this month we heard our Valentines Day "love casts" with Astrologer Mooncat, then we delved into the nature of relationships, and how to create one that is healthy with Dr. Joe Marshalla. On today's show our sumptuous health and nutrition goddess Kate Short Lindsay  is going to tell us all about foods that are Aphrodisiacs, and share tales of the sensual side of dinning.

Kate Short Lindsay, founder and director ofInnerHum, is a certified Holistic Health Coach. She has a passion for people and natural healing. She trusts in the body’s ability to heal itself, given the proper nutrients, nourishment, time and love. She is excited about helping people to meet their health goals, knowing that with the proper support, one can flourish and shine!

Kate received her specialized training as a certified Holistic Health Coach in 2006 from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, which is the only nutrition school integrating all the different dietary theories—combining the knowledge of traditional philosophies like Ayurveda and Ancestral Eating with modern concepts like the USDA food pyramid, the glycemic index, the Zone and raw foods. Kate is also a 2011 graduate of Mama Gena’s School for the Womanly Arts Mastery Program, a cutting-edge education that reminds women that pleasure is front and central to health, happiness, and whole-ness.

Learn more about holistic health coaching and Kate's sensual eating classes by visiting her online at: Innerhum or you can email her at kate@innerhum.org 
You can also find Kate at Embody Wellness
1804 W Koenig Lane, Austin, 78756

To listen to the pod-cast of this show, just click this link :
Kate sensual eating

Monday, February 13, 2012

Dr. Joe Marshalla ~ Relationship vs Union

Joe_Marshalla.jpgOn today's show ::: Some guests are just too delicious to have on the show just once. Today's guest Dr. Joe Marshalla is one of those people. A few weeks ago Dr. Joe was on the show to share about detoxing and he had so many interesting facts that I had never heard before, that I was amazed. I interview a lot of people, and have heard many views on Natural Medicines and lifestyle, but Dr. Joe had me floored. Today Dr Joe Marshalla is on the show to share with us about the Nature of Relationships. It should be a show that really get's us thinking so tune in! The delightful Misty Odom will be out host.

To find out more information about Dr Joe Marshalla, as well as information on this topic, you can follow this link: Relationship vs Union

If you would like to listen to the pod-cast of this show, please follow this link : Dr Joe Marshalla

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Relationship month ~ Love Astro-forcasts with Mooncat

February is relationships month on Tales from the Golden Cabinet, and we have a very special guest in the studio to kick it off : Love Astro-forcasts with Mooncat. Find out what this coming year has in store for your love life, and how to ride the wave.

Ms Moon is a 25 year veteran of Astrological study, with 17 years experience reading  and interpreting Astrology's Planet Maps for private clients! If you would like to set up an Astrology Consultation with Mooncat, you can reach her via the world wide web or phone to to set up an appointment.

Cat Over the Moon & Life Map Astrology
Melissa Kae Mason
(254) 654-6850 cell & text
mooncatastrology@yahoo.com~Astrology and Everyday Prophecy

To listen to a Pod cast of this show,  follow this link : Mooncat


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