
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Misty Odom ~ Transformational Healing

" It was through receiving massage therapy and observing the various states of the receivers following a massage, that I began to understand it as a path for the cultivation of self awareness; that each cell of our bodies, each portion of our physicality holds a memory, an imprint of past suffering, a reflection of a current need or situation, or long lost abilities waiting to be revealed."

This Moday  is Misty's last show with Tales from the Golden Cabinet. Not only is Misty a charming host, she's also an incredible healer. So, I wanted to take this opportunity to share her wealth of knowledge on healing with you, and allow you to get a feel for what Misty's massage practice is like. Plus make sure you know how to connect with her here in Austin! 

Misty was generous enough to share a massage session with me a couple of weeks ago (lucky me), and I was so amazed not only by her technique, but also with her ability to hold a container for the healing process to unfold naturally. Many times I have her her say " Regardless of the technique used, it is my belief that individuals heal themselves. The client is the healer." I feel it's this attitude of empowering people on their healing journey rather than trying to "fix" them that opens the door for magical transformation to happen  during her sessions. She creates a respectful, compassionate, loving space where it's safe to bring awareness to what's really going on inside, and release what no longer serves us. Aye, I'm going to miss working with you my beautiful sister. You have been such a wonderful addition to the show, and a blessing in my life. New adventures await, I can't wait to see what you create with them. 
With love and respect,
If you would like more information about the healing work Misty does, or to connect with her for a massage session you can go to her website: Transformational Healing
To listen to the pod-cast of this show just follow this link : Misty Odom

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Patrick F. Siebert ~ Feldenkrais Center ATX

Join Misty Odom this Monday as she welcomes Patrick F. Siebert to the show to talk about Feldenkrais.

Patrick Siebert opened the Feldenkrais Center of Austin in 1985 where he leads ongoing classes and sees people for individual sessions. Pat's current focus in this modality is formalizing clear insightful experiences to assist people in moving effectively, efficiently, and eloquently.

Pat has been studying Dr. Marshal Rosenberg’s method of Compassionate Communication for since 1997. His passion in that field is working with organizations, individuals, and couples wanting to fully integrate their ideas, and values with their actions. Actions that I hold in high regard are, expressing values, being compassionate, integrating ideas, and having fun.
For more information, please feel free to call Patrick!
Collaborative Communications
512-347-1859 - Business
512-568-5503 - Mobile
patricksiebert - Skype
406 Brady Lane,
Austin, TX. 78746

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Heather Ash Amara ~ The end of the Mayan Calender

As the Solstice draws near this Friday, there are many rumors and discussions going on about the end of the Mayan calender. As humans we all have the instinct to protect ourselves and try and have some way to interface with the unknown. It's a natural response to want to keep ourselves safe.

Sometimes this manifests as irrational fears, ofttimes based on misinformation. The truth is none of us know how this is going to manifest. But the Mayan elders have shared that with every end, there is a new beginning. The beginning of a new cycle, give us the opportunity for us as a human race to re-create our reality. We have the opportunity to stop and re-think then rise above what has not worked in the past. So rather than letting fear drive us, let's delve into what we can do to ready ourselves to ride the waves of change!

On this Monday's show I am excited to share a talk with you given by Heather Ash Amara, founder of  TOCI, The Toltec Center for Creative Intent here in Austin. The reason I have chosen Heather Ash to share with you is because as well as being a charismatic speaker,  she offers tools and insight about HOW each of us can tune in to the energies that are manifesting and have the power to "surf" them rather than be overwhelmed and lost in them. Tune is and get a clear picture of what you can do to help create an new vision for our planet. And it all starts inside of YOU!

If you would like the opportunity to delve into some delicious classes on self awareness and living in authenticity, or just crave warm nourishing community, I invite you to check out TOCI. It's one of my favorite places here in Austin! Just hop on over to their web site. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Elizabeth Martindale ~ Pet psychic

Have you ever wondered what your pets are thinking? Join Misty Odom this Monday as she welcomes Pet psychic Elizabeth Martindale to the show. Elizabeth Martindale is a psychic-medium and animal communicator. She uses her gifts to provide insight and help pet owners better understand their pets’ needs as well as to address issues of concern. She is also able to know about a pet’s life before coming to live with its current family. Drawing on her lifetime of knowledge and experience with animals Elizabeth is able to share information that you might need or want to know about your pets and tell you whatever they would like for you to know. She can also communicate with animals who have crossed over.

Elizabeth is not only talented with pets but also provides psychic readings for people and can help you gain insight into what’s going on as well as help you make major decisions regarding your relationships, finances, job, home, etc. She can also communicate with people who have crossed over.

We have a special adventure for you; Elizabeth did a reading on my cats to help me understand why one of my beauties decided the litter-box is no longer relevant in her life....sigh. Tune in and find out what a pet has to say, when we know how to listen!

If you would like to contact Elizabeth you can find her website here : Elizabeth Martindale
You can follow this link to listen to the podcast of this show!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Shiila Safer ~ Born Of The Earth

 " Born of the Earth by author Shiila Safer is a delightful invitation to return to one's true identity. This unique book gives you the opportunity, not only to dig your roots down into the richness of the Earth, but also to express your creativity at the same time! Deep in the heart of Nature you can find your true voice."

This Monday I am delighted to share a very inspiring woman with you, Shiila Safer. Shiila is a Creativity Coach, Artist, and Meditation Instructor. Shiila studied in-depth with art therapist and author, Dr. Lucia Capacchione, and is certified as a Creative Journal Expressive Arts Coach. She is currently being mentored by Dr. Will Taegel, author and Native American Shaman. Shiila helps people explore their identity through playful forms of creative expression, combining her understanding of psychology with a passion for art and a deep reverence for the Earth. 

As well as sharing with us about her book Born of the Earth, Shilla is going to do a live a "mini session" with all of us. So have some paper and colored pens or pencils ready, we're going to have some fun exploring our inner selves!

You can find  Born of the Earth  on Amazon, by follow the link. You can contact Shiila by going to her website:  http://creativityinnature.com/

To listen to the podcast of this show, just follow this link: Shiila Safer

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Micki Date ~ Just Outside the Door

Join us this Monday as Misty Odom goes deeper with psycic Micki Date. Micki was a guest in September, and the time went by so quickly that we wanted to bring her back so we could continue the conversation!

 Micki Date grew up in Tokyo, Japan. She is a Psychic Medium, Energy Worker, Medical Intuitive and author of two books: "Just Outside the Door, A Spiritual Fitness Workbook for Citizens of the Universe", and "Just Outside the Door Book Two~ A Book of Love", both available on Amazon. She has a common sense approach that helps people understand how energy works, and how to utilize our energetic abilities to lead better lives.

 Join Misty and Micki as they delve into; how a trance medium can help you find your heart's path, how to improve our energetic awareness, and how to recognize and release individuals who may consciously or unconsciously seek to dis-empower you on your journey. Micki is available for readings in person or via telephone and can be reached via her website : Micki Date
Just follow this link if you would like to listen to the podcast of this show!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Seaton Collard and WOW Water!

Due to unforeseen circumstances Seaton was unable to make the previous show, we are so happy we were able to reschedule him! This Monday join Misty Odom as she welcomes Seaton Caesar Collard into the KOOP studio. Seaton is the creator of Wow Water, Chaga Chi, and CEO of Pure Living Paradise. He is a student on the path of spirituality and leads groups on consciousness. You can also find Seaton on YouTube. His latest video being a demonstration on adjusting the cranial and facial structure. Seaton practices taichi, iridology, and a system of bodily regeneration called 'Body Electronics'. Seaton is 21 years young, passionate about making music, and lives in Austin off the grid.

To find out more about WOW Water or Chaga Chi, just follow this link: Pure Living Paradise
To connect with Seaton, feel free to email him or call: PureLivingParadise@gmail.com
You can listen to a podcast of this show by following this link : Seaton Collard

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Heather Ash Amara ~ The Toltec Path of Transformation

"Change is a constant, defining characteristic of life.

Seasons change, weather changes, leaves change, and so do people. In HeatherAsh Amara's The Toltec Path of Transformation: Embracing the Four Elements of Change, we are encouraged to embrace the changes in our lives and create the kind of change that we want to see in ourselves and our world."

Do you desire change, and support in creating a life you truly love? Join me this Monday as I welcome author Heather Ash Amara to Tales from the Golden Cabinet. Heather Ash will be sharing her depth of experience as a teacher on the Toltec Path, and her exciting new book The Toltec Path of Transformation. In her book she offers practical tools to take us "from the idea of change into the reality of change."

 For those of you who purchase her new book Heather Ash is offering a wonderful gift to inspire and you as you transform your own life;  The Toltec Path of Transformation Wisdom Series.  In this series you will get to hear stories of transformation from 20 different Toltec Teachers over a 10 week period. The intent of this series is to support you in skillfully riding the waves of change.  There is also an interactive section where you can share you experiences with others on the path, or ask questions!

Heather Ash Amara the co-founder and spiritual director of Toci - the Toltec Center of Creative Intent. Founded in 2001, Toci  is a spiritual non-profit organization based in the Eagle Knight lineage teachings of don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements. Toci is located here in Austin and is dedicated to fostering thriving local and global community that supports authenticity.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Constance Scharff Ph.D ~ Ending Addiction for Good

 This Monday I am so pleased to share the groundbreaking work of Dr Constance Scharaff. Constance Scharff has a Ph.D. in Transformative Studies, specializing in addiction recovery. She is the Addiction Researcher and Transformative Studies Scholar at Cliffside Malibu Treatment Center, a researcher with the Institute for Creative Transformation, and the world’s leading expert on using ecstatic spiritual experience to maintain long-term sobriety. Co-author of Ending Addiction for Good with Richard Taite, her analysis of integrated, holistic addiction recovery methods is being heralded as “groundbreaking” and “life saving.” Dr. Scharff writes for a variety of journals and speaks to healing professionals on helping addicts in recovery maintain their sobriety. She has also traveled extensively in Asia, Africa, and North America, learning how to help individuals evoke life-transforming spiritual experiences and use those experiences to heal addictions and trauma.

In Ending Addiction for Good, Dr. Scharff champions the Stages of Change model developed in the 1990s, as well as the neurobiology of attachment. She is a proponent of using acupuncture to treat addiction and has spoken at conferences on such topics as addiction as it relates to shen disturbance. She also is a teacher with the Institute for Creative Transformation and the world’s leading expert on using the ecstatic spiritual experience to maintain long-term sobriety.

Dr. Scharff has two book signing events coming up in Austin:
  • Dr. Scharff will also be giving a presentation at AOMA's south campus on December 4, 2012 from 12:45 -1:45 pm.
For more information please check out Dr. Scharff's website and blog. If you would like to email her for more information you can write to her at: constance@cliffsidemalibu.com

You can listen to a pod-cast of this show by following this link:
Ending Addiction For Good

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Xenia Hennington ~ Kundalini Yoga

Join Misty Odom this Monday as she welcomes Xenia Hennington to the KOOP studios to share about the benefits of practicing Kundalini Yoga. Xenia became a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor in 2004 so she could help bring the benefits of Kundalini Yoga to people who are looking for ways to improve their quality of life.

Xenia was first introduced to Kundalini Yoga in 1998 when all she was looking for was some form of physical activity for her stiff and inactive body. Unable to formulate an opinion after taking the first class, she took another class, and then another, and another. Soon she discovered benefits beyond any expectations she ever had. Not only did she get the exercise she sought, but she discovered the chronic pain she had for 14 years began to diminish and then disappear altogether. In her life, she found calmness and patience in situations that normally frustrated her, tolerance where she was used to feeling anger, and focus and efficiency in the midst of harried deadlines. Because of Kundalini Yoga, Xenia discovered an ease and grace in Life that she had never experienced before.

With an open heart, Xenia brings a vitality and understanding of everyday situations to her classes, emphasizing the breath and its connection to the Teacher within. 

You can contact Xenia by phone or email :
Mobile: (512) 497-4217 Fax: (512) 494-9488
Email: xenbe11@att.net

To listen to the podcast of this show, just follow this link.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Mother Tongue by Dr. Will Taegel

 "In The Mother Tongue, Dr. Will Taegel invites us on a spiritual and scientific adventure through the white water rapids of the river of our times. The currents are wild, and a passionate journey unfolds through the co-mingling of the ancient primordial ways of knowing and 21st Century physics". Tune in this Monday, and join the adventure!

This Monday on Tales from The Golden Cabinet: I'm so excited to welcome Dr Will Taegel author of "The Mother Tongue: Intimacy in the eco-field" to the KOOP studio's. Will Taegel walks in two worlds. One reflects his Indigenous shamanic training and the other his psychological and scientific research. In his seventh decade he returned to graduate school to earn a second doctorate, a Ph.D. concentrating on an integration of ecology and quantum fields. Author of The Many Colored Buffalo and Wild Heart, The Mother Tongue is his eighth book. He has held various clinical positions and academic appointments, including President of  Wisdom University  He and his spouse, Dr. Judith Yost, engage in the spiritual practices of rainwater and solar collection and are functionally off the grid.

Other books by Dr. Will Taegel :
Natural Mystics : Journey to your true identity
Nature and Intimacy : Meditations for Relationships

To contact Will you can go to his website!
The pod-cast of this show can be found here

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Guided Meditations ~ Estella Albion

On this Monday's show we are going to delve into  the delicious world of guided meditations with Estella Albion!

Our bodies and inner selves have much wisdom to share with us, if we take the time to go within and really listen. Meditation after all is taking space to quiet the mind, and make that deep connection to our inner wisdom. That quiet place where we can touch spirit, get clarity and peace as well as insight into our questions about life. Sometimes it can be so nurturing to have a space that gives us permission to go within while being supported, and even having fun doing it. This is the beauty of guided meditations.

I am delighted to share a woman with you who has an incredible gift for creating and sharing guided meditations, a meditation enchantress even, Estella Albion. Estella is a healer and who has developed a method of supporting people through life transformations, it's called Vibrational Systems Shifting or VSS. The intent of her work is to bring all aspects of you, body mind and spirit in alignment with what you truly seek for your life. Estella does much of this work through beautiful guided meditations. The first part of the show will be acquainting you with the work that Estella does, then she is gifting us with about a 15 minute guided meditation. Estella is a healer, and an artist who works here in Austin as well as traveling around the world to share her meditations. If you are not in a space where you can partake in this, there will be a podcast of the show, so you can experience the meditation at a time that works for you!

You can contact Estella by following these links. Please feel free to email her to get on the list so you can be informed about upcoming meditations:
Facebook Page : VSS~ Vibrational Systems Shifting

To listen to a pod-cast of this show and enjoy the guided meditations Estella shared with us, just follow this link : Estella Albion

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Seaton Caesar Collard ~ WOW water

This Monday join Misty Odom as she welcomes Seaton Caesar Collard into the KOOP studio. Seaton is the creator of Wow Water, Chaga Chi, and CEO of Pure Living Paradise. He is a student on the path of spirituality and leads groups on consciousness. You can also find Seaton on YouTube. His latest video being a demonstration on adjusting the cranial and facial structure. Seaton practices taichi, iridology, and a system of bodily regeneration called 'Body Electronics'. Seaton is 21 years young, passionate about making music, and lives in Austin off the grid.

To find out more about WOW Water or Chaga Chi, just follow this link: Pure Living Paradise
To connect with Seaton, feel free to email him or call:

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Henna!!! With Catherine Cartwright-Jones

Henna! Most all of us have seen the beautiful body art done with henna, or the richly colored locks of a women who uses Henna, but you may be surprised to find out how versatile this herb is, and what beautiful ancient traditions Henna is bound in. Late one night I was surfing the net and came across the most exciting website Mehandi.com. This site is devoted to educating people about the use of Henna; how to mix colors, what to look out for when buying henna, the botanical knowledge as well as the rich history of Henna.They also have an exciting online store, where you can get everything you need for your Henna fantasies and play. I spent hours indulging in the world of Henna, and was so excited by what I saw that I email the site owned to see if I could get an interview with her. Lucky for us she was gracious enough to take the time to speak with us. This Monday join me and Catherine Cartwright-Jones as we delve into the delicious world of HENNA!

Catherine Cartwright-Jones is the owner and genius behind Mehandi.com. Catherine began seriously studying Henna in 1990. She has been a professional artist since 1970, and holds a pictorial arts degree from UCLA. She has a Masters of Liberal Studies degree from Kent State University,  where she focused her master's work on henna. She is presently enrolled in the Geography PhD program of Kent State University, completing her doctoral dissertation on Henna.

Catherine has gone overseas the last several summers for research projects on Henna's history and traditions, most recently on a research grant from the Iranian Heritage Foundation. She has lectured on Henna at colleges, universities and museums, been a consultant on henna to the National Botanical gardens in Washington DC and the Royal Botanical Gardens in London. She has worked with Discovery Channel, Fox, BBC, Better Homes and Gardens, and National Geographic. I invite you to take some time and delve into her website Mehandi.com, it is a virtual encyclopedia on Henna. You can also find them on Facebook.
To listen to the pod-cast of this show, just click the link! HENNA

Friday, September 21, 2012

Micki Date ~ Just Outside The Door

This Monday join Misty Odom as she welcomes Micki Date to Tales from the Golden Cabinet. Micki Date grew up in Tokyo, Japan. She is a Psychic Medium, Energy Worker, Medical Intuitive and author of two books: "Just Outside the Door, A Spiritual Fitness Workbook for Citizens of the Universe", and "Just Outside the Door Book Two~ A Book of Love", both available on Amazon. She has a common sense approach that helps people understand how energy works, and how to utilize our energetic abilities to lead better lives. Join Misty and Micki as they delve into; how a trance medium can help you find your heart's path, how to improve our energetic awareness, and how to recognize and release individuals who may consciously or unconsciously seek to disempower you on your journey. Micki is available for readings in person or via telephone and can be reached at 512-550-5481. Or you can email Micki at mickisdoor@gmail.com

You can listen to the podcast of this show by following this link :
 Micki Date

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Carla Woody ~ Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Carla Woody
"The edge of our reality depends on what we hold inside our minds as true and possible. We tend to recycle our lives: past, present, future--all becoming one in the same--continually validating the filters through which we live. We continue to attract to us what we self-select through rote unconscious processes until we don't. When we don't, it's because something has awakened us to a wider life."

This is an excerpt of Questions We Live By written by Carla Woody, an article that shares the basis of her work.

Have you ever wondered why some people are consistently more successful than others in life? On Monday's show I am delighted to be sharing a conversation with Carla Woody about NLP, a modality that was developed to answer just that question. NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a practice that identifies: how our minds work, what we believe, and how those beliefs shape our reality. NLP also gives us tools that can help us to change those beliefs, if they are not in alignment with what we choose to manifest in our lives.

Carla Woody is a NLP Master Practitioner, with a special twist. She also works with the wisdom traditions of Indigenous cultures, interweaving the two into a powerful modality for introspection and change. Carla Woody is author of two bools: Standing Stark and Calling Our Spirits Home and is is the founder of Kenosis Spirit Keepers. Carla specializes in working with people who are mostly mid life, helping them to recapture their vision and re-imagine their lives. Then sharing tools and guiding them in the process of making that vision a vibrant reality. Carla is a dynamic insightful speaker, tune in it's guaranteed to be an informative show!

To contact Carla Woody ;  get information about her books, upcoming events and programs, or connect with the Spiritual Travel Programs Carla mentioned through Kenosis just follow this link. You can also download the Quantum Leap Kit from this website!

"Navigating Your Lifepath" is an upcoming 6 month program Carla is offering that addresses the "Re-Membering Process" shared in the article quoted above.

To listen to the podcast of this show, just follow this link : Kenosis

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dr. Pamela Ladd ~ Living Happily By Your Own Design

 "Living Happily By Your Own Design is a wonderful catalyst and guide on the journey back to one's true self. Dr. Ladd's style is warm and open. The reader feels like he or she is having a good talk with a close friend, which allows the reader to be open to the issues she addresses and the advice she offers. Dr Ladd guides the reader to map out a life plan that can be as simple or profound as he or she desires. It is well suited for anyone beginning a new phase in their lives or simply trying to get more happiness every day."

On this Monday's show I am excited to share a conversation I had with      Dr. Pamela Ladd author of Living Well by Your Own Design. Dr. Pamela Ladd is thoroughly acquainted with the world of business and the dynamics of organizational relationships. Dr. Ladd’s goal is to connect people with their own personal energy, and the energy of what they are trying to accomplish in the world. She helps people create environments where people can find their joy, and create relationships that are positive for all people involved. Her inspiration to write Living Happily By Your Own Design arose from her own process of learning to create joy in a difficult work environment. Dr. Ladd helps people to get clear about what makes a happy environment, as well as getting clear about what they want to create in the world. As well as being an author she is a certified Life Coach, meditation trainer, Reiki Master and Teacher, and holds a doctorate in Wisdom Studies.

Also, we will hear why adding FLAX seed to your diet is such a good nutritional move. Certified Health Coach Kate Short-Lindsey has that story!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Abundance ~ for us all!!

On Monday's show we are delving into the spirit of abundance by sharing a Spiritual Alchemy Session that Linda Galvin, an incredible Spiritual Intuitive and channel shared with us. The purpose of these Alchemy sessions are; one, to let go of what may be standing in the way of our desires, and two, to clarify and hold the vision of what we desire, sending a clear message out into the universe. This inner work helps us to not only get clear, but amplify what we choose to attract and create in out lives.  If you are inspired by this session you can connect with Linda Galvin and all the incredible healing work she offers, here.

Being that we are in the midst of fund drive here at KOOP it seemed appropriate to share the spirit of abundance that we all seek! I invite those of you who have ever been inspired or learned something that benefited your healing journey, to show your appreciation by becoming a member of KOOP. Basic membership starts at the $35.00 level, but we encourage you to share what ever you can.

Is there a topic concerning Natural Medicine or Holistic life styles that you wish you could hear more about? For those of you who join at the $120 dollar or sustainer level, we are offering you the opportunity to choose a topic for a show, ANYTHING that you have been curious to find out more about concerning Natural Healing. We will connect with a Practitioner that excels in that modality and share those shows in November, as a way to say thank you for giving back.

The sustainer membership can happen as easy as giving $10.00 a month to KOOP on your credit card. It's easy and we have many ways to say thank you. You can go to KOOP.org and express your love by clicking the blue donate now button on our home page. And, please do  name drop when it comes to expressing why you are donating, thanks!

With gratitude and wishes of abundance for us all,

Saturday, September 1, 2012

How to connect with your healing stones~

Several weeks ago Misty interviewed Adrienne Goff. The conversation was about healing work using crystals and stones. As a follow up for those of you who are drawn to working with stones for healing, I wanted to share this video I just found that Adrienne made. It's about how to create a relationship with your crystals. It is sweet guided meditation, so get out your favorite stones and enjoy the journey!!
Much love,

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Blue Moon gift for you ~

Blue Moon Blessings. This is a gift for you, our sweet listeners. A Holographic sound ~ Crystal singing bowl healing meditation. What do you do with that you might ask? Use this music as a tool for visualization, inner healing, manifesting or magic! This healing meditation is by Paul Hubbert, of The Institute for Holographic Sound and Inner Balance. Paul gives you instructions in the beginning of this piece, so get comfy! You can find out more about Paul in the blog post below. Click here to listen.
Much love and Blue Moon Magic,
Teresa and Misty.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Natural medicine and addiction

A topic that we have touched on here on Tales from the Golden Cabinet is natural medicine's ability to help a person fight addictions. We have shared about the use of Acupuncture, and the NADA protocols used in treating both addiction and Post Traumatic Stress, as well as herbs that can be helpful. This article was written by Alex Kerwin for to us to share with you, it's a good reminder of a topic I would like delve into more, thank you Alex!

Natural Medicine's Ability to Fight Drug and Alcohol Addiction

In today’s society, drug and alcohol addiction has become an increasingly prevalent problem. Addiction does not just destroy and hurt the lives of addicts but also damages the lives of the family and friends close to the addicts. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, millions of Americans currently suffer from drug addictions, and the US Department of Health and Human Services reports that 1/2 of all Americans over the age of 12 are alcohol consumers. In a world where prescription medication addiction rates are skyrocketing, with 7 million Americans using prescription medications non-medically every year, natural medicine therapies have risen as a popular way to battle the high rates of medication, drug, and alcohol addiction in today’s society. While conventional addiction treatment program’s substitute one drug for another, providing heroin users with methadone to wean them off of their addiction, natural medicine techniques try to offer a more inclusively supportive program for the patient that incorporates mental, emotional and spiritual practices into standard addiction programs.

Natural medicine techniques for dealing with addiction can range from specific techniques to overall therapies designed to help the addict deal with withdrawal symptoms. One of the most popular and well-known forms of alternative treatment is acupuncture. Chinese medical practitioners perfected acupuncture thousands of years ago. Tiny needles are inserted at specific points along the meridian points in the body, which is believed to redirect the flow of energy in the body to help drug abuse patients manage their withdrawal symptoms. A 2009 study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse suggested that acupuncture was an effective treatment for opium withdrawal.

Another beneficial way to help recovering addicts is through nutritional therapy, as people with alcohol or drug addiction are usually malnourished and have suffered some amount of physical damage to the body, such as liver damage. This type of therapy attempts to correct any nutritional shortcomings while aiding the body to eliminate toxins.

Supplements like zinc and vitamin C can help the body in the detoxification process. Many alcoholics are severely deficient in many nutrients because alcohol limits the body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients, and alcohol and drug use may increase the body’s load of free radicals, compounds that damage the body’s tissues. Working with a nutritionist and herbalist can help recovering alcoholics and drug addicts get their body working to its full potential again, minimizing the withdrawal symptoms and helping them to feel their best physically and emotionally throughout the recovery process.

by Alex Kerwin

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Paul Hubbert ~ live Crystal singing bowl session

This Monday join Misty Odom as she welcomes Paul Hubbert of the Institute of Holographic Sound and inner Balance back into the KOOP studios. In June Misty shared a conversation with Paul, about Holographic sound, this Monday Paul is returning to share a  live Crystal singing bowl session with us!

"In his workshops, Paul Hubbert uses Holographic Sound Therapy, the unique healing power of multidimensional sound vibration, created using specific techniques along with vocal toning and crystal singing bowls, as well as traditional and conventional methods of counseling, including physical and emotional energy movement. These processes are used in the transformative therapies and practices, helping us to uncover and transcend limiting life patterns and thinking. In doing so, we recognize our wholeness, know our oneness with all, and realize a renewed sense of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual peace and well-being."

To connect with Paul or get more information about the Institute for Holographic Sound and Inner Balance, just follow the link!

KOOP Fund Drive !!!

                   If you love us, let us know!
You can call in, or make a pledge online at KOOP.org
KOOP Radio - the station that brings you the full spectrum of community radio - has launched its Fall 2012 Membership Drive. The goal is $70,000, and we are depending on listeners like you to reach it! Here's all you need to do to make your contribution (and don't forget to find out about our thank you gifts!):
call 472-5667 or donate online.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Prashanti de Jager ~ Organic India (part two)

Prashanti de Jager founder of Organic India

As I’m sure you all know by now, I love having the opportunity to share  my favorite sources for healthy living. Some sources are local, some are online. Last week we heard about one of my favorite online choices for buying high quality organic herbs, Organic India. If you missed that show Organic India is a wonderful resource for; high quality, organic Ayurvedic herbs, supplements and teas. (Check out the blog post below.)

My guest was Prashanti de Jager, founder of Organic India. Prashanti shared Organic India's vision, and stories about how they got started as well as what inspires them to bring us great organic herbs. Not only are the folks at Organic India growing and selling high quality organic herbs, they are a living example of a company that makes sustainability a way of life.

This week I am delighted to have Prashanti continue with insights into some of the herbs themselves. Many of the herbs carried by Organic India are adaptogens. Tune in this Monday at 1pm and find out why adaptogens are considered superior herbs, in both Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and how they are used.

As well as being the founder of Organic India, Prashanti de Jager is a Yogi, activist, ethnopharmacologist, an Ayurvedic Doctor, and original Organic India crew. In speaking with him I was so inspired by the depth of knowledge and insight Prashanti has into Ayurvedic Medicine and herbs, and it's such a pleasure to be able to share him with you!

To find their website, follow this link : ORGANIC INDIA

Earn credits towards purchases at Organic India by learning about herbs : how cool is that?

Check out YouTube video's by Prashanti de Jager
To listen to today's pod-cast just follow this link : Organic India part 2

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Healthy Lifestyle picks ~ Organic India

One of my favorite online herb stores is Organic India.  Their fabulous organic herbs is what brought me to their door.Their vision of sustainability; a business that embraces the earth, farmers, the health of the people, sharing knowledge, and passion for right livlihood is what made me love them. Organic India is beautiful in so many ways, that I just could not resist sharing them with YOU.

This Monday I am delighted to welcome Prashanti de Jager to the show. Prashanti is a Yogi, activist, Ayurvedic Doctor and the founder of Organic India. This week Prashanti is going to be sharing about Organic India, and what inspires them to bring us fabulous organic Ayurvedic herbs, supplements and teas from India. You can tune in next week for part two of this series and hear Prashanti talk about the herbs themselves; herbal knowledge shared with inspiring insight.

At the heart of Organic India is a commitment to promote holistic sustainable development for all beings through organic agriculture. They are committed to service, sanctity and integrity, and to operating an ethical and sustainable business that harms none and benefits all. Organic India is a global leader in promoting organic products and in supporting sustainable farming, wild crafting and village/tribal agricultural communities in India.

Organic India cultivates, collects, processes, manufactures and markets Certified Organic Tulsi Teas, Herbal Supplements, Psyllium, Castor Oil, Ayurvedic and Medicinal Herbs, and many other organic foods and organic spices. Their products are of the highest quality and marketed all over the world. 

Tulsi harvest
Organic India works with thousands of family farmers in India, cultivating tens of thousands of acres of farmland that has been 3rd party certified organic through funding from Organic India. The farmers are commissioned to grow organic crops under their guidance, which  Organic India  then purchases from them at a premium market price.  Organic India  also works with local tribes-people in India who ethically wildcraft herbs on 592,000 acres of forest that  Organic India  has converted to USDA certified organic."

To find their website, follow this link :

Earn credits towards purchases at Organic India by learning about herbs : how cool is that?

Check out YouTube video's by Prashanti de Jager
To checkout the pod-cast of today's show please follow this link : Organic India part 1

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Meet your local practitioners ~ Brian Kurtz

One thing that keeps getting reaffirmed to me by producing this show is that healing is quite mysterious and comes to us in wonderful and sometimes unexpected ways, especially when we are open to listening to our inner selves. It's such a blessing for me to be able to share so many wonderful healers with you; I learn something new with every person I interview. I'm grateful for this experience.

Part of my intent in producing this show is to encourage you to trust your innate wisdom when seeking healing. That's is why we present so many types of healers on this show. It gives you, our much loved listeners the opportunity to hear about different modalities and get a feel for practitioners with out having to pay for the experience. My intent is to offer you the opportunity to get a sense of what resonates with you. Then, when the need arises you can make informed decisions about health care for you and your loved ones.

Speaking of mysterious, the topic of this Monday's show is energy work, more precisely healing through Spirit. I am delighted to welcome Brian Kurtz into the KOOP studios. Brian is a gifted energy worker, who has been doing energetic healing for the past 28 years. Brian facilitates a person's healing by being an open channel for spirit or energy, then directing this energy for the healing of his client. Brian is a certified Reiki Master practitioner as well as being an ordained non-denominational Christian Minister. Brian readily acknowledges that the source of the healing is spirit, or the Creator, how ever you choose to name that energy. For the past 28 years Brian has shared his gift for healing with people of all ages and virtually any disease or source of discomfort you can imagine.

I keep coming to the word mysterious, because energy healing is something that science and Western Medicine can't explain, unless you get into Quantum Physics. While energy work is an everyday reality in some circles, for many it is something to be skeptical of, so I want to reassure you. I have many ways of verifying my guests, with Brian it was through personal experience. Brian did some healing work with me a few weeks ago, and I was amazed with what a powerful energy worker he is. So I can whole heartedly recommend him to you my precious listeners.

To connect with Brian you can go to his website : Brian Kurtz
To listen to the pod-cast of this show, just follow this link.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Crystal Healing ~ with Adrienne Goff

“Inside each gemstone exists a world of sacred geometry, pure energy, and high sentience that can harmonize with you to initiate healing, expansion, and a windfall of blessings. If you are someone with an attraction to gems and crystals that has resulted in a growing collection, and you are now wondering what you can do with all of your treasures, then this book is for you!"

On this Monday's show join Misty Odom as she welcomes Adrienne Goff into the KOOP studios. Adrienne Goff is an author of Crystal Healing for the Whole Being. While she practices many modalities, crystal healing is Adrienne’s specialty and love. The laying on of stones is the ancient healing treatment of placing crystals on the energy centers, chakras, or areas of the body in need of healing. Working with crystals can greatly assist in releasing past traumas and emotions, clearing away negative energy, vitalizing areas of the body, achieving higher states of consciousness and relaxation, and bringing about a greater sense of well-being and wholeness.

Adrienne loves helping clients get clear about what they want to create in their lives and programming crystals to bring about their desired manifestations in record time and in their highest forms. Also, all of her energy sessions incorporate crystal grids, and she finds that placing crystals in an intentional network in the healing space enhances and amplifies the healing. To find out more about Adrienne's work, healing sessions or her book, Please follow this link : Crystal Healing
You can listen to the podcast of this show, here : Adrienne Goff

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Healthy lifestyle picks ~ Greenling

In order to live a healthy lifestyle, we need access to affordable healthy products. So over the next few months I am going to be sharing some of my favorite sources, both here in Austin and via the WWW. Sharing who they are, what they offer and the inspiration behind their business. Last week it was such a pleasure to have Blanca DePaul owner of Herbs and Things here in Austin, with us on the show. This week I want to share a very unique and innovative online grocery store with you.

Greenling is an online grocery store that specializes in home delivery of local and organic foods. The company was founded in 2005 in Austin, Texas, with the mission of making healthy food available to everyone, in a way that's good for the planet. All of their products are local and sustainably grown, or certified organic.

Kathryn Hutchison, from Greenling is going to be with me in the KOOP studios this Monday. Kathryn's job title at Greening is Sproutreach. That means you can find her evangelizing local and organic food online, in print, and in person by building relationships with other organically-minded people in Central Texas. She is the voice behind Greenling's social media, their newsletters, and she develops the healthy recipes that Greenling customers rely on each week to put dinner on the table. Kathryn is passionate about the Austin food community: in her free time, she blogs about Austin food at AustinGastronomist.com and she is the Vice President of the Austin Food Blogger Alliance.

To check out the Greenling website just follow this link : Greenling

To hear the podcast of today's show, just follow this link.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Essential Oils with Blanca DePaul

On Monday's show I am excited to welcome Blanca DePual into the KOOP Studios. Blanca is going to share with us about the use of therapeutic grade Essential Oils. Essential oils are volatile liquids extracted from plants. Oftentimes, it takes an entire plant or more to produce one single drop of essential oil. This is what makes that one drop of oil so potent and at the same time, so expensive to distill. The oil of the plant is its “life force.” It is the “blood” of the plant and is called essential because without it, the plant would die.

Blanca is the founder of a shop here in Austin called Herbs and Things, which is located at 204 E. 53rd Street. Herbs and Things specializes in Therapeutic grade Essential Oils, but also carries herbs, spices and Teas.

Blanca DePaul has a Master's in Education and a Bachelor's in Comparative Linguistics from Temple University. She turned to whole food nutrition after a bout with cancer in the mid '80s. She eventually used this new-found knowledge to switch careers and to become a holistic nutritionist which she has done for the past 20 years. Her studies have included everything from studying Chinese herbal medicine to Live Cell Microscopy. Through her work with live blood analysis, she awakened to the powerful healing capabilities of organic herbs and therapeutic-grade essential oils. Her subsequent focus has been on the study of herbal remedies and aromatherapy for transforming the physical, spiritual, and emotional body.

Tune in and learn all about this delicious aspect of Herbal Medicine, Blanca has a wealth of knowledge, and it promises to be an interesting and very informative half hour!

To find out more about Herbs and Things, as well as upcoming workshops just follow this link :
Herbs and Things

Or you can call Herbs and Things at: 512-459-HERB (4372)

To listen to the podcast of this show just click this link : Blanca DePaul

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Art of Lithomancy with Gary Wimmer

This Monday join Misty Odom as she welcomes Gary Wimmer into the KOOP studios. Gary L. Wimmer, has been a professional psychic for over 35 years. Offering readings using pure intuition, regular playing cards (to address specific issues of interest or concern), and Lithomancy, a fascinating and revealing but little-known methodology.

Lithomancy is a highly efficient method of psychic reading in that it offers insights into many different issues and reveals how they interrelate and manifest on a weekly basis. For Lithomancy readings Gary uses sixteen stones and a strip of leather to form a Circle. The inside of the Circle represents the current three-month cycle, the outside represents the longer term, and the Circle represents the environment. Ten of these stones are Planet Stones, and represent the astrological interpretations for the planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Six are Personal Stones that represent personal issues: Love, Luck, Life, Magic, Commitment, and Place. Sometimes another stone or two to represent some specific issue, person, goal, or circumstance.

Patterns formed by the Stones clearly outline - in symbolic form - the person's present situation, upcoming situations, challenges, opportunities, and changes coming into play. Every Pattern is unique, as is every person, situation, and moment in time. Tune in, pour a cup of ice tea and enjoy the conversation about this intriguing method of intuitive readings.

I just wanted to add a note to this posting about Gary's readings. If you have been in a space where you needed clarification, insight and validation as to the bigger picture of what is going on in your life, I highly recommend getting a reading with Gary. He did Lithomancy reading for me over the phone a few days ago and it was amazingly accurate, and really helped me to get clear about the patterns and issues I am working with right now. It felt to me that the reading wove together strands of issues I have been working on and presented them as a picture that made sense. One I can work with, and take action from. My experience is that Gary's reading was 100% accurate, and delivered with a sense of humor and compassion~ Thank you Gary! Highly recommended ~ Teresa

Gary has also written two books on Lithomancy; for readings, or more information about Gary's books please check out his website.

You can find a podcast of today's show by following this link!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Breast care with Sunny Markham ~ part 2

On today's show ::: Part two of breast care with Sunny Markham, founder of Earthsong Pomegranate Breast Oil. Week before last we began the conversation with Sunny on ways that we as women can not only improve the health of our breasts, but also the beauty of our breasts. Sunny is going to share how to this by by toning and lifting our breasts using self massage and a delicious Ayurvedic Breast toning oil. Sunny Markham produces Pomegranate Breast Oil using ancient Ayurvedic techniques, and gives classes empowering women to take the health of their breast into their own hands. Her methods help us to prevent breast disease, and beautify our breasts, how fabulous is that? You can view the June 16th entry on our blog for more information about Sunny and the wonderful work she is doing. If you are in Austin, and would like to purchase some of Sunny's delicious Pomegranate Breast Oil, you can find it at the following locations:

The Herb Bar

Victory Pharmacy

Casa de Luz

Ancient Mysteries

263 Grill and Provisions

You can listen to a podcast of today's show by following this link.

I want to share the websites with you that Sunny spoke of during today's show, should you care to check them out:
Skin Deep cosmetic data base : to see exactly what is in the beauty products you use!
Baynan Botanicals Ayurvedic herbal products: for the herb infused body massage oils.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Holographic Sound with Paul Hubbert ~

From time immemorial sound has been used as a healing tool. On this Monday's show tune in and join Misty Odem as she investigates the world of sound and healing with Paul Hubbert of the Institute for Holographic Sound and Inner Balance.

Paul Hubbert has been working with sound and music, in varied forms, for many years. In June of 1999, through spiritual guidance, he became consciously aware of, and began to use this Ancient/New vibrational art. This is the art of creating and using sound, multidimensionally, known as “Holographic Sound.” Paul holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and a Masters in Business Administration and Religion. He is certified in Hypnotherapy, Grief Recovery and is an Addictions Recovery
Coach/Consultant. His family counseling work has been most notably recognized by the White House. He is also an intuitive counselor who works with the healing vibration of Sound and Music in its multidimensional, holographic form using vocal toning, crystal singing bowls, blended with traditional and conventional methods. Paul teaches throughout the US and internationally. He has co-created and shared the stage with many leaders in their fields including Gregg Braden, John Bradshaw, Tom Kenyon, Alton Kamadon, Drunvalo Melchizedek and others.

We welcome you to listen in via the radio or the web, I can guarantee it will be an interesting, thought provoking conversation!!

To find out more about the work Paul does, and up coming workshops please follow this link.

Please follow this link to listen to the podcast of today's show! Paul Hubbert

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Breast care with Sunny Markham

On Monday's show : Have you ever wondered if there was a non surgical way to help you have beautiful healthy breasts? In America we think of breast health as wearing a good supportive bra, but there is a much more delicious and effective way to promote beautiful breasts. This Monday Sunny Markham is going to join us and share all about it!

Sunny Markham is a licensed massage therapist from Texas. Her great passion is helping women learn how to keep their breasts healthy and beautiful. Sunny's product is the powerful oil from India, known as “Pomegranate Breast Toner,” that women have been self massaging their breasts with for centuries to keep them healthy and toned. Sunny say's" I’ve loved the healing science of Ayurveda for years, and decided to personally handcraft this remarkable oil in Austin after reading about the extensive recent scientific research that indicates pomegranate peel (rind) may protect against breast cancer. I wanted to make it available to women everywhere."

Earthsong Pomegranate Breast Oil 
Sunny's product is called “Earthsong Pomegranate Breast Oil” and it's brewed it with great love and careful adherence to Ayurvedic tradition and the "Pomegranate Breast Toner" formula, using only certified organic pomegranate peel and certified mustard seed oil. After the brewing, Sunny infuses her oil with an aromatic chord of amber, frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood and cedarwood. The final product is an exquisite, non-staining, all natural massage oil with a healing power and energy your breasts will love. Tune in, and learn about a delightful woman, with a luscious breast oil product!

To contact Sunny and learn about thius wonderful method of breast care please follow the link!

To listen to a podcast of this show, please follow this link : Sunny Markham.

Women's Health ~ Doula's with De’Andrea Jones

What is a Doula and how can they support the birthing process? On Monday's show Misty is going to share a venture into the world of Doula's and birthing with De' Andrea Jone. De'Andrea is part of the birthing collective here in Austin called Get Babied. De'Andrea has been attending births and teaching the Bradley Method in Austin since 2008. After her own wonderful birth experience in 2006 she felt she needed to spread the word! Birth could be calm, joyous and a really great family bonding experience. She gained a certification in childbirth education and became a birth doula with Giving Austin Labor Support. Tune in and get the whole story, it's juicy!

To contact De'Andrea and learn more about Doula services just follow the link!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Treating PTSD ~ part two

On Last week's show we were going to have an hour to talk about treating PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but I had some very special guests in the studio for the second half of the hour and I wanted to honor our time together without being rushed. So, today I want to share part two of the program with Chester Dickerson,  a  local Austin Acupuncturist who specializes in treating addiction. He uses a treatment protocol developed by an Acupuncture organization called NADA; the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. The treatment was developed to treat addiction, which it does very effectively. In treating thousands of patients it was discovered that this treatment also had the wonderful side effect of relieving anxiety and trauma. This treatment is now used all over the world, with remarkable results.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

In honor of our Veterans ~ treating PTSD

On Monday's show we are going to honor our Veterans; the men and women, our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters who offer their service to us, and to their Country, with the heart intention of keeping us safe. A noble cause these warriors of ours embark on. Now I don't agree with the politics of war that we engage in in this country, but I do believe strongly that our Veterans should be well taken care of when they get back home. So many of our Vet's suffer from Post Traumatic Stress, as well as other crippling conditions after serving. I believe our Vet's deserve the same respect when they get home carrying the burden of their experiences, as they got when they were promised the moon and the stars signing up. So today's show is about treating Post Traumatic Stress; easily, naturally, effectively and with proven results. We have an hour today, so stay tuned. This song is my dedication to you, who have served our country, with my love and respect.

“Veterans are the light at the tip of the candle, illuminating the way for the whole nation. If veterans can achieve awareness, transformation, understanding, and peace, they can share with the rest of society the realities of war. And they can teach us how to make peace with ourselves, and each other, so we never have to use violence to resolve conflicts again” —Thich Nhat Hanh

Today I will be speaking with Diana Fried L.Ac., founder of Acupuncturists without Borders. The vision of their organization is "to foster the creation of stable, peaceful global communities through its community-based acupuncture services and training which interrupt the cycles of unresolved trauma." We will also be airing a rebroadcast of an earlier show with Chester Dickerson L.Ac., a local practitioner who will be sharing what the trauma treatments are like, and what to expect. Chester is a great local resource for these services.

To find out more about Veterans programs with Acupuncturists Without Borders you can go here.

To contact Chester Dickerson please follow the link to his website.


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