
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Abundance ~ for us all!!

On Monday's show we are delving into the spirit of abundance by sharing a Spiritual Alchemy Session that Linda Galvin, an incredible Spiritual Intuitive and channel shared with us. The purpose of these Alchemy sessions are; one, to let go of what may be standing in the way of our desires, and two, to clarify and hold the vision of what we desire, sending a clear message out into the universe. This inner work helps us to not only get clear, but amplify what we choose to attract and create in out lives.  If you are inspired by this session you can connect with Linda Galvin and all the incredible healing work she offers, here.

Being that we are in the midst of fund drive here at KOOP it seemed appropriate to share the spirit of abundance that we all seek! I invite those of you who have ever been inspired or learned something that benefited your healing journey, to show your appreciation by becoming a member of KOOP. Basic membership starts at the $35.00 level, but we encourage you to share what ever you can.

Is there a topic concerning Natural Medicine or Holistic life styles that you wish you could hear more about? For those of you who join at the $120 dollar or sustainer level, we are offering you the opportunity to choose a topic for a show, ANYTHING that you have been curious to find out more about concerning Natural Healing. We will connect with a Practitioner that excels in that modality and share those shows in November, as a way to say thank you for giving back.

The sustainer membership can happen as easy as giving $10.00 a month to KOOP on your credit card. It's easy and we have many ways to say thank you. You can go to KOOP.org and express your love by clicking the blue donate now button on our home page. And, please do  name drop when it comes to expressing why you are donating, thanks!

With gratitude and wishes of abundance for us all,

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