
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Heather Ash Amara ~ The end of the Mayan Calender

As the Solstice draws near this Friday, there are many rumors and discussions going on about the end of the Mayan calender. As humans we all have the instinct to protect ourselves and try and have some way to interface with the unknown. It's a natural response to want to keep ourselves safe.

Sometimes this manifests as irrational fears, ofttimes based on misinformation. The truth is none of us know how this is going to manifest. But the Mayan elders have shared that with every end, there is a new beginning. The beginning of a new cycle, give us the opportunity for us as a human race to re-create our reality. We have the opportunity to stop and re-think then rise above what has not worked in the past. So rather than letting fear drive us, let's delve into what we can do to ready ourselves to ride the waves of change!

On this Monday's show I am excited to share a talk with you given by Heather Ash Amara, founder of  TOCI, The Toltec Center for Creative Intent here in Austin. The reason I have chosen Heather Ash to share with you is because as well as being a charismatic speaker,  she offers tools and insight about HOW each of us can tune in to the energies that are manifesting and have the power to "surf" them rather than be overwhelmed and lost in them. Tune is and get a clear picture of what you can do to help create an new vision for our planet. And it all starts inside of YOU!

If you would like the opportunity to delve into some delicious classes on self awareness and living in authenticity, or just crave warm nourishing community, I invite you to check out TOCI. It's one of my favorite places here in Austin! Just hop on over to their web site. 

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