
Sunday, May 27, 2012

In honor of our Veterans ~ treating PTSD

On Monday's show we are going to honor our Veterans; the men and women, our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters who offer their service to us, and to their Country, with the heart intention of keeping us safe. A noble cause these warriors of ours embark on. Now I don't agree with the politics of war that we engage in in this country, but I do believe strongly that our Veterans should be well taken care of when they get back home. So many of our Vet's suffer from Post Traumatic Stress, as well as other crippling conditions after serving. I believe our Vet's deserve the same respect when they get home carrying the burden of their experiences, as they got when they were promised the moon and the stars signing up. So today's show is about treating Post Traumatic Stress; easily, naturally, effectively and with proven results. We have an hour today, so stay tuned. This song is my dedication to you, who have served our country, with my love and respect.

“Veterans are the light at the tip of the candle, illuminating the way for the whole nation. If veterans can achieve awareness, transformation, understanding, and peace, they can share with the rest of society the realities of war. And they can teach us how to make peace with ourselves, and each other, so we never have to use violence to resolve conflicts again” —Thich Nhat Hanh

Today I will be speaking with Diana Fried L.Ac., founder of Acupuncturists without Borders. The vision of their organization is "to foster the creation of stable, peaceful global communities through its community-based acupuncture services and training which interrupt the cycles of unresolved trauma." We will also be airing a rebroadcast of an earlier show with Chester Dickerson L.Ac., a local practitioner who will be sharing what the trauma treatments are like, and what to expect. Chester is a great local resource for these services.

To find out more about Veterans programs with Acupuncturists Without Borders you can go here.

To contact Chester Dickerson please follow the link to his website.

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One of my favorite digital artists!!