
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Misty Odom ~ Transformational Healing

" It was through receiving massage therapy and observing the various states of the receivers following a massage, that I began to understand it as a path for the cultivation of self awareness; that each cell of our bodies, each portion of our physicality holds a memory, an imprint of past suffering, a reflection of a current need or situation, or long lost abilities waiting to be revealed."

This Moday  is Misty's last show with Tales from the Golden Cabinet. Not only is Misty a charming host, she's also an incredible healer. So, I wanted to take this opportunity to share her wealth of knowledge on healing with you, and allow you to get a feel for what Misty's massage practice is like. Plus make sure you know how to connect with her here in Austin! 

Misty was generous enough to share a massage session with me a couple of weeks ago (lucky me), and I was so amazed not only by her technique, but also with her ability to hold a container for the healing process to unfold naturally. Many times I have her her say " Regardless of the technique used, it is my belief that individuals heal themselves. The client is the healer." I feel it's this attitude of empowering people on their healing journey rather than trying to "fix" them that opens the door for magical transformation to happen  during her sessions. She creates a respectful, compassionate, loving space where it's safe to bring awareness to what's really going on inside, and release what no longer serves us. Aye, I'm going to miss working with you my beautiful sister. You have been such a wonderful addition to the show, and a blessing in my life. New adventures await, I can't wait to see what you create with them. 
With love and respect,
If you would like more information about the healing work Misty does, or to connect with her for a massage session you can go to her website: Transformational Healing
To listen to the pod-cast of this show just follow this link : Misty Odom

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Patrick F. Siebert ~ Feldenkrais Center ATX

Join Misty Odom this Monday as she welcomes Patrick F. Siebert to the show to talk about Feldenkrais.

Patrick Siebert opened the Feldenkrais Center of Austin in 1985 where he leads ongoing classes and sees people for individual sessions. Pat's current focus in this modality is formalizing clear insightful experiences to assist people in moving effectively, efficiently, and eloquently.

Pat has been studying Dr. Marshal Rosenberg’s method of Compassionate Communication for since 1997. His passion in that field is working with organizations, individuals, and couples wanting to fully integrate their ideas, and values with their actions. Actions that I hold in high regard are, expressing values, being compassionate, integrating ideas, and having fun.
For more information, please feel free to call Patrick!
Collaborative Communications
512-347-1859 - Business
512-568-5503 - Mobile
patricksiebert - Skype
406 Brady Lane,
Austin, TX. 78746

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Heather Ash Amara ~ The end of the Mayan Calender

As the Solstice draws near this Friday, there are many rumors and discussions going on about the end of the Mayan calender. As humans we all have the instinct to protect ourselves and try and have some way to interface with the unknown. It's a natural response to want to keep ourselves safe.

Sometimes this manifests as irrational fears, ofttimes based on misinformation. The truth is none of us know how this is going to manifest. But the Mayan elders have shared that with every end, there is a new beginning. The beginning of a new cycle, give us the opportunity for us as a human race to re-create our reality. We have the opportunity to stop and re-think then rise above what has not worked in the past. So rather than letting fear drive us, let's delve into what we can do to ready ourselves to ride the waves of change!

On this Monday's show I am excited to share a talk with you given by Heather Ash Amara, founder of  TOCI, The Toltec Center for Creative Intent here in Austin. The reason I have chosen Heather Ash to share with you is because as well as being a charismatic speaker,  she offers tools and insight about HOW each of us can tune in to the energies that are manifesting and have the power to "surf" them rather than be overwhelmed and lost in them. Tune is and get a clear picture of what you can do to help create an new vision for our planet. And it all starts inside of YOU!

If you would like the opportunity to delve into some delicious classes on self awareness and living in authenticity, or just crave warm nourishing community, I invite you to check out TOCI. It's one of my favorite places here in Austin! Just hop on over to their web site. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Elizabeth Martindale ~ Pet psychic

Have you ever wondered what your pets are thinking? Join Misty Odom this Monday as she welcomes Pet psychic Elizabeth Martindale to the show. Elizabeth Martindale is a psychic-medium and animal communicator. She uses her gifts to provide insight and help pet owners better understand their pets’ needs as well as to address issues of concern. She is also able to know about a pet’s life before coming to live with its current family. Drawing on her lifetime of knowledge and experience with animals Elizabeth is able to share information that you might need or want to know about your pets and tell you whatever they would like for you to know. She can also communicate with animals who have crossed over.

Elizabeth is not only talented with pets but also provides psychic readings for people and can help you gain insight into what’s going on as well as help you make major decisions regarding your relationships, finances, job, home, etc. She can also communicate with people who have crossed over.

We have a special adventure for you; Elizabeth did a reading on my cats to help me understand why one of my beauties decided the litter-box is no longer relevant in her life....sigh. Tune in and find out what a pet has to say, when we know how to listen!

If you would like to contact Elizabeth you can find her website here : Elizabeth Martindale
You can follow this link to listen to the podcast of this show!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Shiila Safer ~ Born Of The Earth

 " Born of the Earth by author Shiila Safer is a delightful invitation to return to one's true identity. This unique book gives you the opportunity, not only to dig your roots down into the richness of the Earth, but also to express your creativity at the same time! Deep in the heart of Nature you can find your true voice."

This Monday I am delighted to share a very inspiring woman with you, Shiila Safer. Shiila is a Creativity Coach, Artist, and Meditation Instructor. Shiila studied in-depth with art therapist and author, Dr. Lucia Capacchione, and is certified as a Creative Journal Expressive Arts Coach. She is currently being mentored by Dr. Will Taegel, author and Native American Shaman. Shiila helps people explore their identity through playful forms of creative expression, combining her understanding of psychology with a passion for art and a deep reverence for the Earth. 

As well as sharing with us about her book Born of the Earth, Shilla is going to do a live a "mini session" with all of us. So have some paper and colored pens or pencils ready, we're going to have some fun exploring our inner selves!

You can find  Born of the Earth  on Amazon, by follow the link. You can contact Shiila by going to her website:  http://creativityinnature.com/

To listen to the podcast of this show, just follow this link: Shiila Safer


One of my favorite digital artists!!