With so many Holidays right around the corner, you are
probably wondering how to find the perfect gift for everyone on your
list. Here are my top 10 Heart Felt, Low Cost, Hand Made or Recycled
Gift Ideas for 2011. Enjoy!
Create a handwritten list of all the things you love and appreciate
about a person. Be creative. The list can include things like: I love
the way you fold the towels, or I love the way you make yourself
available when I call. For kids you might include how you appreciate how
passionately they care about animals, or how you love the way they do
their chores without being asked.
2. Make a
personalized collage. Take some old magazines and cut out words,
phrases, and images that represent the essence of a
person you love. Glue them on to paper in the shape of a heart, and
frame your one of a kind collage, now a beautiful piece of artwork to be
cherished for a lifetime.
This next one is great for young kids:
If you are a parent, you probably have lots of nubby crayons around the
house that need a new purpose. Transforming them is simple. Take the
paper off the nubs and
separate the crayons into color
categories. Chop the crayons into small pieces and place them in a
shallow layer in the bottom of a muffin pan or cookie mold tin. Put them
in a 150 degree oven for about 45 minutes, and tada! New crayons in fun
shapes that kids will love! Put them in a recycled cookie tin and
include a few coloring sheets printed from the internet.
These two are big hits with the teen and preteen set.
Remember those old LPs in the closet that haven't been played in years?
Time for their
reincarnation as bowls and trays. Place a metal mixing bowl face up in a
125 degree oven and set a record on top. Make sure the bowl is a bit
smaller than the record so that it can fall evenly into the bowl as it
warms. In a few minutes it will mold into a functional piece of art!
When your creations have cooled, leave them be, or paint them for added
5. Make a "Secret Hollow" book by
perusing a thrift store for a large hardback. Glue the first several
pages together, then leave a space, and glue the rest of the pages
together. When dry, use an exacto knife to hollow out a secret
compartment inside the book!
Number 6 is my
favorite gift for new families. Create Gift Certificates, hand made or
on the computer for a task or tasks you are willing to complete. Some
ideas are : a night of babysitting, cooking a favorite meal, washing the
car, etc.
Number 7 is a
favorite among grandparents . Purchase plain t shirts in appropriate
sizes and have the grand kids put their hand prints on it with
multicolored paint. Easy, inexpensive, and fun!
The last three are really sweet and appropriate for individuals or the whole family.
Remember playing "Memory" as a child? Ask members of your family to
contribute 2 small sized identical photos. Cut cardstock into same size
squares and glue onto wrapping paper that has a small, complex pattern
(this is so you can't tell one card from another without seeing the
picture on the other side.) Glue the pictures of Grandparents, Aunts,
Uncles, and Cousins on the plain side. Cut out the cards. You now have a
"Family Memory Game" that can be added to with each new family member,
and played for years to come!
9.Create a vision
board. Photoshop an image of Aunt Sue into a stock photo of the Swedish
Countryside where she has always dreamed of visiting, or create an
image of your teenaged son in his dream car. The possibilities are
endless for this one! Print the images and glue them onto poster board
with room to add more as new visions are awakened. This is a wonderful
way to say: I support you in manifesting your fondest heart's desires!
Create a 365 day "Jar of Memories". Collaborate with the whole family
on this one. Write on small slips of paper a heartfelt memory shared
with a family member or friend. Collect 365 and put them in a mason jar
with a ribbon wrapped round. For the next year, the recipient can open
the jar, and take out a cherished memory to read every day!
gifts are inexpensive, fun to make, and truly come from the heart,
while having little or no impact on the planet. I hope you and your
family enjoy